Dr. Mathews Phosa launched his second volume of poetry: Chants of Freedom, at the Senate Room in the Wits University Senate House, on 2 June 2015. Chants of Freedom is published by Penguin Books, with the launch hosted by the Wits History Project.
Professor Phil Bonner, biographer of Mathews Phosa, recently found a long lost bundle of poetry Mathews Phosa had written while in exile. After three decades, these poems have finally seen the light of day in Chants of Freedom. Family, friends and supporters joined Mathews Phosa for a night of emotional poetry readings, and insightful analysis by former President Motlanthe, and Professors Bonner and Muxe Nkondo, topped by a tailor made performance by Mzwake Mbuli.
Watch the Highlights from the Event:
Mathews Phosa “Chants Of Freedom” Book Launch (2 June 2015) from Indelible Media on Vimeo.
Check out the Full Speech by Professor Muxe Nkondo here:
To read article on the successful event, click here:
To purchase the book online, go to: