Thanks to support of Ichikowitz Foundation Mandy Jacobson attended the 22 NYC African Fill Festival for a special screening of Plot for Peace. The diverse audience included activists in Puerto Rico and Russia interested in further screening the doc in communities wanting to dialogue on human rights and conflict resolution.
Plot for Peace had a theatrical release in November 2014 in select theaters across the USA. New York Times said : “A fascinating account of off-the-books diplomacy in the 1980s, “Plot for Peace” is that rare documentary that both augments the historical record and is paced like a thriller!!
It’s now available online in USA and UK and soon to become available on line in South Africa. The NFVF will be screening Plot for Peace on May 22 at Mahikeng.
Tweets from those who attended:
Just discovered a great documentary about the help of a Frenchman for the end of SA apartheid #PlotForPeace
Selfie with #MandyJacobson! Great job on @plotforpeace! @Ichikowitz